Rain sometimes makes you sad at night. Today, I’ll tell you what I do when I’m down. And it involves a lot of imagination.
Hasn’t it happened to you that you have a great experience and then have a moral slide down? I had too much Brazil because this week has been an absolute downturn. Maybe it’s the rain hitting my window, but I’ve been feeling down.
In these cases, as a cure for nostalgia, I mentally go to places that make me feel good. And mine, par excellence, is the sea. Water is a balm for me. It doesn’t matter if it’s the cold sea of Scotland or New York — like the one in the photo — or the one that makes me dive off the Mexican coast.
The point is that since the sea makes me feel good, I want to share today’s menu with you. It includes a book about sea creatures and their difficult lives, a Brazilian song, a story about the ocean, and a short essay on that.
A book 📕
This is one of those books I say “How this idea didn’t occur to me before?”. Sabrina Imbler is a marine biologist, and as a queer person, she tells us about her life through…